Our Founders

Data Safeguard’s diverse team is determined and committed to investing their strategic thinking and technical skill in building a successful company. The chemistry, relationship, and spirit displayed over the years of association translate into the significance of our team.

Founding Team

MR Sahu
Sudhir Sahu
Founder & CEO
Elliott Lowen
Chief Privacy Officer
Lee Nocon
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Damodar Sahu
Chief Growth Officer
Praful Parekh
Sr. Director - Products
Swarnam Dash
Product Analyst

Leadership Team (USA)

Tedra Chen
Corporate Manager
Sudhir Sahu
Founder & CEO
Elliot Lowen
Chief Privacy Officer
Lee C. Nocon
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Damodar Sahu
Chief Growth Officer
AJ Naddell
Sr. Vice President - Products

Leadership Team (India)

Niranjan Kumar Parhi
Chief Data Privacy Officer
Sumeet Shah
Technology Manager & Co-Founder
Pranab Mohanty
Chief Business Officer
Mahi Gupta
Director of Privacy Strategy
Dr. Deepak Kumar Sahu
Pradeepta Mishra
Chief Architect & Co-Founder
N. S. Bala
Executive Advisor
Jay Como
Financial Services Executive
Elliott Lowen
Advisory Board Moderator
Ken Chrisman
Executive Advisor
John Papazian
Executive Advisor
Dr. Keshab Panda
Executive Advisor

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